According to presentation design expert Julie Terberg, “safe fonts are those that are common to most users and therefore will not be substituted when your PowerPoint file is opened with an operating system or Microsoft Office version that is different from your own.”. There are very few fonts that are safe across Mac and PC, and these are: For a slightly more expanded list of safe fonts. The table below lists web-safe fonts that are common for both Windows and Macintosh. The Windows fonts are included with Windows XP and later, and the Mac fonts are included with Mac OS X. I am not going to mention Windows 98/95 or Mac OS 8/9 as these are legacy systems and the number of users using them for web is shrinking on a daily basis. Before you leave the Fonts applet in Control Panel, you can learn more about fonts and how Microsoft implements them in Windows. Click the link to Get more font information online in the left pane.
A: It would be nice if Macintosh and Windows only used the same type of font files. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Even though most font formats are 'crossplatform,' they often need to be converted to work on both platforms.
Of the above font types, only the OpenType font format includes all the necessary files to be used on both Macintosh and Windows platforms. Mac OS X will recognize most Windows TrueType and PostScript fonts without requiring conversion. Mac OS 9, on the other hand, will not install most Windows fonts. Windows will only recognize Mac TrueType and PostScript fonts in Windows if they are converted using a program such as CrossFont.
Updated: June 15, 2011