- This download updates an existing Nuendo Live 1 installation to the latest Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) compatible version.
- The installer can also be used for a first-time installation.
- The version number is the same as in the previously available update, only the 'CoreAudio2ASIO' component has been replaced for better El Capitan compatibility.
February 29, 2016 Mac OS X 10.8 · 10.9 · 10.10 · 10.11 · macOS 10.12 · 10.13 |
Nuendo is one of the most flexible and technologically advanced post-production, recording and Surround systems available on the market today. Extraordinary sound quality and a host of unrivalled features, paired with a totally open architecture engineered to accommodate the audio industry's prevailing software and hardware standards, make Nuendo the system of choice for discerning.
Steinberg Nuendo 10 - Upgrade from Nuendo 1-5 (Download) Post-production DAW Software with 22.2 Surround Support, Field Recorder Audio Import, Video Cut Detection, Doppler Effect, VoiceDesigner, dearVR Spatial Connect Integration, Audio Random Access, Game Audio Connect, Render Export and Render-in-place, ReConform, Onboard Plug-ins and Effects, and VCA Fader Support - Mac/PC VST 3. Nuendo is the world's leading solution for native audio post-production. Steinberg Nuendo for Mac. Free to try Steinberg Soft- and Hardware GmbH. Mac OS X 10.4 Intel/PPC, Mac OS X 10.5 Intel/PPC Version 6.5 Full Specs. Average User Rating: 2 User Votes. We’d like to update you on the development and certification process regarding macOS Catalina (10.15) for Steinberg products. MacOS Catalina has been released.
- This download updates an existing Nuendo Live 1 installation to the latest version.
- The installer can also be used for a first-time installation.
July 21, 2014 Mac OS X 10.9 · 10.10 · 10.11 · macOS 10.12 · 10.13 | July 21, 2014 Windows 7 · Windows 8 · Windows 8.1 · Windows 10 |
Nuendo Live · 67 MB | Nuendo Live · 76 MB |
Version History (PDF) |
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- 3679 次查看 645 次下载
- 分类:
- 标签:nuendos nuendo flexibles flexible technologically advanceds advanced recordings recording surrounds surround unrivalleds unrivalled features feature paireds paired architectures architecture engineereds engineered accommodates a
- 时间:2017年06月22日 更新 文件大小: 474.4 MB
- 开发商:Steinburg Media Technologies GmbH 官网首页
- 支持类型: Mac OS X 10.11 or later
- 支持语言:未知
来自Mac App Store官方介绍
Nuendo is one of the most flexible and technologically advanced post-production, recording and Surround systems available on the market today. Extraordinary sound quality and a host of unrivalled features, paired with a totally open architecture engineered to accommodate the audio industry's prevailing software and hardware standards, make Nuendo the system of choice for discerning professional users. Its system performance is readily scaled using any standard computer components. This gives you the computing power you need to rise to the challenge of handling complex projects entailing hundreds of tracks, innumerable effects and even the most intricate mixer configurations - all at a remarkably affordable price.
- Recording, editing, and mixing with up to 192-kHz and 24-bit processing power (pristine 32-bit floating point internal resolution)
- Intuitive handling and extensive customization options to accelerate workflow
- Projects port readily to and from all standard audio and video cutting systems
- Powerful multi-channel capability throughout the signal path
- Awesome-sounding 32-bit Audio Engine optimized for multiprocessor operation
- Up to 192 physical inputs/outputs alongside freely selectable audio hardware
- Smooth, seamless integration into LAN and WAN environments
Note: Now requires OS X 10.11 or later running on a 64-bit Intel processor.
- Consoles support - Direct Offline Processing can now be operated with Avid S5, S6 and Artist consoles.
- Direct Offline Processing
- Plug-ins and processes can now be rendered to clips permanently (also per key command).
- Audition can now be used when multiple events are selected.
- It is now possible to delete multiple processes from the process list at once.
- It is now possible to use Izotope RX Connect in Direct Offline Processing.
- Activating or deactivating Auto Apply is now possible with key-commands.
- A spinning wheel now indicates when an offline process is in progress, also for a multiple clip selection.
- An icon has been added to the process list that indicates if a process has been applied to a range selection.
- Applied Direct Offline Processes can now be copied to other events.
- Import/Export
- Import tracks from other projects now also includes MIDI, Instrument, Marker, Chord and Video tracks.
- Sampler tracks can be exported as track archives.
- Video
- Import and playback of videos encoded in Apple ProRes is now possible.
- 50 fps videos are now supported.
- Steinberg SyncStation now works as expected.
- Rendering a plug-in on multiple ranges no longer applies wrong parameters.
- Using Detect Silence no longer alters preference settings.
- Copy, Cut and Paste are now available in the undo history.
- Plug-ins now work correctly when used for the first time.
- Remove DC Offset no longer fails when not used as the first process in processing list.
- Time Stretch now works as expected.
- The indicator icon for a DOP applied to a range no longer disappeares.
- The plug-in GUI in the DOP-window no longer flickers after trimming a selected event.
- Izotope RX Denoiser no longer reprocesses when trimming the selected event.
- Applying an offline process by key command now works as expected.
- Audition of GUI-less processes now works as expected.
- Unselecting a process now clears the plug-in view.
- Splitting an event selected for DOP no longer renders the application unreliable.
- Recalling a plug-in with a key command when Auto Apply is inactive no longer opens an empty DOP window.
- Audition can now be started even if the processing of a plug-in is still in progress.
- Reordering plug-ins in the process list while Audition is running now reprocesses the audio material.
- DOP now works as expected on events imported through Import Tracks from Project.
- Applying a plug-in with key commands while Auto Apply is inactive no longer opens a blank plug-in GUI.
- Using the Time Warp tool no longer renders the application unreliable.
- Downmix from Dolby Atmos 9.1 to 7.1 now works as expected.
- Dolby Atmos Object Mode is now restored correctly when loading a project.
- Meter now works correctly on channels routed to 22.2 channels.
- Switching Control Room downmix presets now works as expected.
- VST Multipanner now has an output on 22.2 bottom layer speakers.
- Downmix coefficients from Dolby Atmos 9.1 to 7.1 have been adjusted for better RMU compatibility.
- Import Audio Tracks from Project now copies tracks into the active project folder.
- Importing track archives containing Sampler tracks no longer renders the application unreliable.
- Divide Track List now works as expected.
- Multi-selecting VST Connections by pressing the Shift key now works as expected.
- Improved stability of H264 coded videos.
- Nudging Video frame by frame now works as expected.
相关截图 图片数: 1 张(点击图片查看大图)
- 上一条:Clean Todo - Simplest To-do List & Tasks Manager
- 下一条:ANSIFilter
下载列表 文件数: 1文件大小: 474.4 MB举报
Nuendo For Mac Os 10.10
Nuendo for Mac (链接无效或不能下载请点击反馈给我们)Nuendo For Mac Os X
文件名 | 版本 | 下载次数 | 上传时间 | 上传者 | 下载类型 | 操作 |
0. | https://www.steinberg.net/en/products/nuendo/start.html官网下载 | 最新 | - | - | 官方 | Mac | 点击下载 |
1. | download.steinberg.net官方原版 | v8.0.10.158 | 645 | 2017-06-22 | 网友共享 | Mac 版 | 点击下载 |
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